

Do You Know This?

岡野圭壱 /杉山泰 /川田伸道 1,650円(本体1,500円+税)

「目からウロコのホントの話」の姉妹版。「トリビアの泉」的「なぜ?」に対する答を、Basic Readingとして取り上げています。「文化エッセイ」でCultural Literacyが身につき、練習問題も豊富です。巻末のFurther Readingにより、半期でも、通年でも使用可能です。



  • 判型: B5判
  • ページ数: 72ページ
  • ISBN: 978-4-255-15403-9


  • カセットテープ|TM|教師用CD


    Lesson 1. ALPHABET
      (本文)How did the Romans develop the alphabet?
      (文法)1. 基本の形(名詞―動詞―名詞の語順と第3文型) 2. 語順が大事
      (文化)1. 生きている言語 2. 表意文字と表音文字 3. 筆記体を書いてみよう!
    Lesson 2. ANIMALS
      (本文)Why do elephants have big ears?
      (文法)1. 主語と述語の省略 2. have no problems …ing / have good reason to…
    Lesson 3. EDUCATION
      (本文)How are IQs measured, and what is the average?
      (文法)比較(the 比較級〜, the 比較級・・・)
    Lesson 4. FASHION
      (本文)What's the origin of jeans?
      (文法)1. 過去形と過去完了の意味 2. 動詞を目的語としてとる動詞 3. 動詞 er
    Lesson 5. RELIGION
      (本文)Why do the Chinese name each year after an animal?
      (文法)1. 不定詞 2. have it that…の構文
      (文化)1. 北南東西という英語の語順とキトラ古墳の東西南北の色 2. 「豚」と「豚肉」
    Lesson 6. FOOD
      (本文)Why should red wine but not white be allowed to breathe?
      (文化)1. fragrance 2. trust 3. decanter
    Lesson 7. HEALTH
      (本文)If skin constantly renews itself, why are tattoos permanent?
      (文法)1. 関係代名詞―限定用法と非限定用法 2. 受動態構文
    Lesson 8. PROVERBS
      (本文)Why have proverbs survived?
    Lesson 9. SCIENCE
      (本文)How is the pollen count measured, and why is it so high some years?
      (文法)1. 受動態(受け身にできる場合、できない場合) 2. 完了形
    Lesson 10. SPORTS
      (本文)Is it really necessary to destroy horses when they break their legs?
      (文法)1. 主語のitの特別用法 2. It is+形容詞+for (of) A+to…構文
    Lesson 11. LAUGHTER
      (本文)Why were women making a long queue?
      (文化)1. queuingとイギリス文化 2. マザーグースにみるナンセンスな唄
    Lesson 12. GARDENING
      (本文)Are gardens a recent invention?
      (文法)1. 形容詞―叙述用法と限定用法 2. 形容詞―形容詞の働きをする語句
    Lesson 13. HISTORY
      (本文)Why do we drive on the left?
    Lesson 14. PHRASE
      (本文)What is the origin of the term "hat trick"?
      (文法)1. 品詞 2. 受動態(byの有無) 3. wearの訳し方
      (文化)1. 和製英語とスポーツ英語 2. スポーツとイギリス

    1. How did we get the alphabet?
    2. What is the fastest living creature?
    3. We talk of First and Third World countries. What or where is the Second World?
    4. Do you know the history of Burberry?
    5. Are nuns allowed to smoke?
    6. Is it true that rice is poisonous if reheated?
    7. Why does time seem to pass more quickly the older you get?
    8. Proverb and language?
    9. How do scientists measure very high temperatures?
    10. How do they measure ball speeds at sporting events?
    11. Is there any evidence that Jesus had that most important of human characteristics,
      a sense of humor?
    12. What plants did people grow?
    13. It is a roundabout!―How to turn at an intersection.
    14. Do you know how to use a "cat"?
