【2025新刊 総合教材】Our Fascinating World -Discovering the World's Culture and Diversity-


【2025新刊 総合教材】Our Fascinating World -Discovering the World's Culture and Diversity-

Our Fascinating World -Discovering the World's Culture and Diversity-

Aliise・Donnere /矢島真澄美 /阪口慧 /Adrian・Leis 編著 1,980円(本体1,800円+税)


  • 400
  • 500
  • 600
  • 700



リーディングでは、各章のトピックに沿って、アジア、ヨーロッパ、南米など幅広いエリアの国々の文化を紹介。前半ではFood,Festivalなど身近なトピックを、後半ではGender Identity, Problems of our Timesなど、より深く考えさせられるトピックを取り扱っています。ペアワークやグループワークが充実しており、自分の考えを英語で伝えるスピーキングの練習が出来る他、リスニング、ライティングには各章にテーマがあるため、授業の学習目標を立てやすい構成になっています。
This textbook utilizes reading passages to introduce cultures of various regions around the world, including Asia, Europe, and South America. The first half of the book covers familiar topics such as food and festivals, while the second half covers more thought-provoking topics such as gender identity and problems of our times. The textbook includes an abundance of pair work and group work activities to help learners practice communicating their ideas in English. Each chapter also includes a theme for listening and writing, making it easy to set learning goals for the class. The difficulty of each chapter gradually increases throughout the book, supporting students in their journeys to a higher level of English proficiency.


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  • 判型: B5
  • ページ数: 92ページ
  • 課数: 15 課
  • 本文色: 1 色
  • ISBN: 978-4-255-15741-2


  • TM|WEB音声|教師用CD


    Chapter 1: Meeting New People

    Chapter 2: Exploring the Town

    Chapter 3: Going to a Festival

    Chapter 4: Food

    Chapter 5: Marriage

    Chapter 6: Traditional Clothes

    Chapter 7: Superstitions

    Chapter 8: Workshop (Public Speech)

    Chapter 9: Music

    Chapter 10: Modern Folklore

    Chapter 11: Gender Identity

    Chapter 12: Problems of Our Times

    Chapter 13: Political Parties and Beliefs

    Chapter 14: Future Plans

    Chapter 15: Workshop (Research)