実践プレゼンテーション・ワークブック[入門編] ―二訂版―
実践プレゼンテーション・ワークブック[入門編] ―二訂版―
Workbook for Presentation Skills -Basic- [Revised Edition]
中山誠一 /Schnickel・Jacob /Bulach・Juergen 編著 1,760円(本体1,600円+税)難易度(TOEICスコア)
- 400
- 500
- 600
- 700
本書は、1. 躊躇なく英語が使える、2. 英語で基本的なプレゼンテーションができる、3. 自分の考えを表現できる、この3つの目標が達成できるよう編まれました。各ユニットのテーマに沿ったモデル台本にあるフレーズを用いて、自分の考えを表現しながら、最後には全てのプレゼンテーションを台本なしで無理なくこなすことを目標にしています。
This workbook is designed to help learners become confident in giving presentations following a step-by-step procedure in each unit.
● As a learner-centered workbook, active participation is encouraged in the English classroom.
● Three carefully scaffolded tasks in each unit gradually build up learners’ confidence when speaking to an audience and maximize their performance.
● Effective and useful phrases provided in the model scripts expand learners’ vocabulary, helping to improve their presentations.
● この書籍はご授業向けの教科書です。解答・日本語訳(一部を除く)などは付属しておりません。また、独学には不向きですのでご注意ください。
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- 判型: A4
- ページ数: 98ページ
- 課数: 16 課
- 本文色: 1 色
- ISBN: 978-4-255-15724-5
- TM
Unit 0:What is a Presentation?
DAY 1: Practice the Sample Presentation
Unit 1:Describing Your Hometown
Day 2: Make an Outline
Day 3: Write a Presentation Script and Make a Poster
Day 4: Rehearse Presentation
Unit 2:Which Hamburger Shop Do You Like the Best?
Day 5: Read an Article and Make an Outline
Day 6: Write a Presentation Script and Make a Poster
Day 7: Rehearse Presentation
Unit 3:Fashion: Which Apparel Brand Do You Prefer?
Day 8: Read an Article and Make an Outline
Day 9: Write a Presentation Script and Make a Poster
Day 10: Rehearse Presentation
Unit 4:Product Development
Day 11: Write a Product Proposal and Make an Outline
Day 12: Write a Presentation Script and Make a Poster
Day 13: Rehearse Presentation
Unit 5:Is Study Abroad Necessary?
Day 14: Read an Article and Make an Outline
Day 15: Write a Presentation Script and Make a Poster
Day 16: Rehearse Presentation