Our Wonder-Filled World
Mary・Tadokoro 編著 1,870円(本体1,700円+税)難易度(TOEICスコア)
- 400
- 500
- 600
- 700
私たちの身近にある、普段はあまり気にかけない物や事象について、ふと「あれは何だろう、何故だろう?」と思うことはないでしょうか。本書はその謎や疑問に答えるべく編まれた読解中心の教材です。「なぞなぞ」の質問に始まり、平易な英文のReading Passage(平均200words)、関連Topicを材料にしたListening、様々なExercises、学んだことを話し合うDialogで構成されています。
From discovering why the ocean is salty to which direction lightning flows, Our Wonder-Filled World contains 14 units designed to keep students fascinated and curious about the world around them. Readings are short and written with simple grammar.
● Pre-reading tasks include a “Fast Fact,” three multiple-choice questions to challenge their logic, and a scientific riddle, the correct answer being in the reading.
● Five short post-reading comprehension/listening/speaking tasks are included.
● TM includes a chunk-based shadowing/translating technique for each reading which can be used as an English-Japanese or Japanese-English “simultaneous translating” exercise, improving student’s comprehension, pronunciation, and speaking speed.
● この書籍はご授業向けの教科書です。解答・日本語訳(一部を除く)などは付属しておりません。また、独学には不向きですのでご注意ください。
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- 判型: B5
- ページ数: 60ページ
- 課数: 14 課
- 本文色: 1 色
- ISBN: 978-4-255-15701-6
- TM|WEB音声|教師用CD
Lesson 1: Why is the Ocean Salty?
Lesson 2: Water All Around Us
Lesson 3: Cloud and Other Sky Art
Lesson 4: The Illusion of a Rainbow
Lesson 5: Lightning, Nature’s Fireworks
Lesson 6: Firefly Delight
Lesson 7: What Is in This Flower’s Name?
Lesson 8: From 4 to over 400, Colors in Japan
Lesson 9: The Soil under Our Feet
Lesson 10: Cacao, Food of the Gods
Lesson 11: Keeping Time around the World
Lesson 12: What Would We Do without Glass?
Lesson 13: Not Your Usual Building Materials
Lesson 14: Nuclear Fusion, the Future of Energy