【好評テキスト・コースブック】Developing Academic English – Intermediate –


【好評テキスト・コースブック】Developing Academic English – Intermediate –

Clive Langham 1,980円(本体1,800円+税)


  • 400
  • 500
  • 600
  • 700




This is the intermediate-level version of the course book, planned and edited so that students at the TOEIC 300–400-point level can tackle it without difficulty.First, students will read and comprehend English sentences on familiar themes of around 400 words.Through the exercises, students will develop not only their reading comprehension skills but also their communication skills.In addition, exercises to look up related information in English are also provided. Throughout the entire course, students will learn in a well-balanced manner, focusing on reading, writing, and speaking skills to enhance their ability to conduct academic work in English.


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  • 判型: B5
  • ページ数: 85ページ
  • 課数: 14 課
  • 本文色: 1 色
  • ISBN: 978-4-255-15686-6


  • TM|WEB音声|教師用CD


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