Pros and Cons: Arguing Different Points of View
Jewel・Mark 著 2,090円(本体1,900円+税)難易度(TOEICスコア)
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Pros and Cons and Taking Sides are our two-book series that emphasize the importance of acquiring critical thinking skills and expressing opinions with concrete reasons.
● 15 controversial topics familiar to learners are chosen for each book.
● 2 reading sections are provided for each unit: one highlighting pros, the other emphasizing cons. Having both pros and cons makes it easier for learners to look at subjects objectively and formulate their position with a solid understanding, helping them speak up in class confidently.
* Pros and Cons includes a dialog to give learners a clear picture of how debate can develop in a conversation, making this volume suitable for those learning to debate for the first time.
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- 判型: B5
- ページ数: 90ページ
- 課数: 15 課
- ISBN: 978-4-255-15647-7
- TM|WEB音声|教師用CD
Unit 1. Food Additives
(Pro) Nothing to worry about/(Con) Don'tgamble with your health
Unit 2. Body image and photoshopping
(Pro) Show me at my best/(Con) Time to get real
Unit 3. Undergrounding
(Pro) Less is more/(Con) Hidden obstacles
to success
Unit 4. Do We Need the Olympics?
(Pro) More than just a sports festival/(Con)
We have better things to do with our money
Unit 5. Web Ads
(Pro) Something for nothing/(Con) Web ads
drive customers away
Unit 6. SIM-Free Smartphones
(Pro) The sooner the better/(Con) The grass
is always greener…
Unit 7. 100-Yen Shops
(Pro) Luxury on the cheap/(Con) Save now,
pay later
Unit 8. Barrier-Free Everywhere?
(Pro) Access for all/(Con) Possibilities and
Unit 9. Elderly Drivers
(Pro) Keep our seniors licensed/(Con) Time
to call it a day
Unit 10. School Clubs
(Pro) Friends and fulfillment/(Con) Stress
and frustration
Unit 11. The NIMBY Syndrome
(Pro) Welcome, neighbor/(Con) Too far
outside my comfort zone
Unit 12. Electronic Voting
(Pro) A win for democracy/(Con) I vote no
Unit 13. Aid in Dying
(Pro) My life, my decision/(Con) Where do
we draw the line?
Unit 14. Biometric Authentication
(Pro) The real deal/(Con) A false sense of
Unit 15. Animal Testing
(Pro) A price worth paying/(Con) Senseless