Online Resources to the book:

Can do statements in language education in Japan and beyond
– Applications of the CEFR –

- 欧州言語共通参照枠(CEFR)の適用 -

Kannbeschreibungen im Sprachunterricht in Japan
- Der Gemeinsame Europäische Referenzrahmen (GeR) in der Praxis -

Edited by Maria Gabriela Schmidt, Naoyuki Naganuma, Fergus O’Dwyer, Alexander Imig and Kazumi Sakai

Copyright by Framework and Language Portfolio (FLP) - a Special Interest Group of JALT

Tokyo 2010 (Asahi Press)

ISBN 974-4-255-05558-4

Article number, Name of author(s), "Article of the book" Resource(s)
3.5. Sachiko Horiguchi (堀口佐知子), Yoriko Harada (原田依子), Yuki Imoto (井本由紀) & Satoshi Atobe (跡部智) "The Implementation of a Japanese version of the “European Language Portfolio – Junior version –” in Keio: Implications from the perspective of organizational and educational anthropology" Figures to survey (excel-file)
4.2. Paul Collett & Kristen Sullivan "Considering the use of can do statements to develop learners’ self-regulative and metacognitive strategies" Appendix 1 (pdf-file)
Appendix 2 (pdf-file)
4.3. Yoko Sato (佐藤 陽子) "Using can do statements to promote reflective learning" Figures and Appendices (word-file [docx])
4.5. Fergus O’Dwyer "Can do statements at the centre of involving learners in the self-assessment, goal-setting and reflection learning cycle" Appendix 1 (word-file [doc])
Appendix 2 (word-file [doc])
4.7. Joshua M. Sargent & James M. Winward-Stuart "Implementation of a can-do based syllabus in an eikaiwa" Appendix 1 (pdf-file)
Appendix 2 (pdf-file)
4.9. Maria Gabriela Schmidt "Kannbeschreibungen zur Strukturierung eines frei gestalteten Unterrichts auf der Niveauebene B1" Figure (jpg-file)

For further information see the webpage of the Framework and Language Portfolio (FLP) webpage at: